Reach millions of buyers for your machines worldwide

Choose a plan suitable to your business growth needs


One time sellers
  • 3 Months Validity
  • 5 Machine uploads
  • Unlimited leads
  • Zero commission
  • Seller dashboard access
  • Messaging service


Individual Agents/Dealers
6 Months FREE
  • 1 Year Validity
  • 50 Machine uploads
  • Unlimited leads
  • Zero commission
  • Seller dashboard access
  • Messaging service
  • Verified Status Icon
  • Free 2x10 Days Priority slot on subcategory page
  • Performance Analysis
  • Downloadable Reports
  • InCoins wallet
  • Proforma Invoice Generator


Dealer / Exporter Firms
Contact us
  • 1 Year Validity
  • 200 Machine uploads
  • Unlimited leads
  • Zero commission
  • Seller dashboard access
  • Messaging service
  • Verified Status Icon
  • Free 5x10 Days Priority slot on subcategory page
  • Free 1x5 days listing on Featured Machine section on home page
  • Performance Analysis
  • Downloadable Reports
  • InCoins wallet
  • Proforma Invoice Generator


Large Stockists / Traders / Exporters
Contact us
  • 1 Year Validity
  • 1000 Machine uploads
  • Unlimited leads
  • Zero commission
  • Seller dashboard access
  • Messaging service
  • Verified Status Icon
  • Free 20x10 Days Priority slot on subcategory page
  • Free 1x10 days listing on Featured Machine section on home page
  • Performance Analysis
  • Downloadable Reports
  • InCoins wallet
  • Proforma Invoice Generator